School of Aeronautics, is providing serviceable Aircraft, components and mock ups for training to students of Cabin Crew (Air hostess) as per the course curriculum for various programs.


The classroom size of each class room in college is 30 / 70 sq mts. All rooms are well lit and ventilated, and kept at a comfortable working temperature. Each classroom is fitted with LCD projector. The maximum permissible class strength is 15.

Training Methods For Training The Students of Cabin Crew

Training includes the use of mock-up facilities, video presentations; computer based training and other types of training. A reasonable balance between the different training methods is maintained.

Representative Training Devices

Representative training devices are used for the training of cabin crew as an alternative to the use of required equipment. Serviceable Aircraft is also used for training purpose. Only those items relevant to the training and testing intended to be given, accurately represent the aircraft in the following particulars:

  • Layout of the cabin in relation to exits, galley areas and safety equipment stowage;
  • Type and location of passenger and cabin crew seats;
  • Where practicable, exits in all modes of operation (particularly in relation to method of operation, their mass and balance and operating forces) including failure of power assist systems where fitted;
  • Safety equipment of the type provided in the aircraft (such equipment may be ‘training use only’ items and, for oxygen and protective breathing equipment, units charged with or without oxygen may be used).


Door Trainer For Cabin Crew Students

The use of modern training videos and simulator systems such as Emergency Evacuation and Door Trainers, door training is provided to students on actual Aircrafts.


Serviceable Aircraft For Cabin Crew Student’s Training

School of Aeronautics is having F 27 – 500, 52 seater fully serviceable aircraft for training to students.

Fire and Smoke Training Facilities

Practical fire and smoke training is conducted under the supervision of an instructor who is having the knowledge, ability and experience to conduct such training. Such training will be conducted in a confined area to simulate cabin fire and preferably smoke filled conditions, with the cabin crew donning the P.B.E and its restrictions in communication.

Water Survival Training Facilities

The training shall be conducted at a water body / pool, in a minimum depth of 6 feet.